Primary Landing Page

Each Friday, between 3.00pm and 5.00pm.


The Classical and Literary Chinese Reading Group brings together those with an interest in the textual cultures of the pre-modern period. It centres on the collective reading, translation, and discussion of a pre-circulated text. Texts are chosen by participants for their chronological, thematic, generic, and linguistic variety. The Group’s emphasis is on close reading and depth of philological understanding: the final aim is to produce a high-quality translation of the text at hand, and to acquire as precise a sense as possible of its linguistic structures and intellectual import. As part of this aim, the Group has played an instrumental role in several research publications.

The Group runs each Friday, between 3.00pm and 5.00pm. Participants include scholars and graduate students from in and outside the ANU; advanced-level undergraduate students are also welcome.

To learn more about the Reading Group’s activities, please contact Mark Strange: mark.strange[at]

Between 4.00pm and 5.30pm on alternate Thursdays.


The ANU China Seminar Series is the pre-eminent forum for discussion of China and the Sinophone world at the ANU. Invited speakers come from across the full range of disciplines. They include senior scholars from in and outside the ANU, younger academics, post-doctoral research fellows, and advanced graduate students. The Seminar Series provides an arena in which to examine China in its widest sense, to acquaint people with a range of China-related research that might otherwise lie outside their scope of contact, and to offer a social setting for discussion of matters of mutual interest. It aims at a broad audience: members of academic staff from many fields; undergraduate and graduate students; policymakers; and interested members of the public.

The seminar usually runs between 4.00pm and 5.30pm on alternate Thursdays during the University’s teaching term. Exceptions will be noted on the Seminar Series’ website, which is regularly updated. With the consent of speakers, seminars are recorded and made publicly available through the Seminar Series’ website to build an archive of research on the Sinophone world.

For further information on the Seminar Series: ciw[at]