Contemporary issues in a land of climatic extremes
In the middle of the Eurasian continent, the Mongolian Plateau is subject to climatic extremes, which have been heightened in recent years by climate change. The Mongolia Update is aimed at informing the Australian government, businesses, academic specialists, and an interested public on a range of contemporary developments across Mongolia’s economy, politics, culture or environmental issues, such as climate change.
Program Details
9.15am Two songs performed by Bukhu Ganburged on Morin Khuur
9.30am Welcome and opening remarks
- Professor Helen Sullivan, Dean, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
- Ambassador Davaasuren Damdinsuren, Embassy of Mongolia for Australia and New Zealand, Canberra
- Mr David Vosen, former Ambassador to Mongolia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra
10.00am Keynote Address
- Dr Undraa Agvaanluvsan, Member of Parliament of Mongolia, Green Building Council of Mongolia, PhD nuclear physicist
Trends of the urban landscape in Mongolia: fighting pollution and going green
- Discussant: Associate Professor Natasha Fijn (ANU)
11.00am Morning tea
11.30am Panel 1
- Mr Bukhchuluun Ganburged (Bukhu), horse-head fiddle musician
Exploring the aural-environment dimensions of sounds generated by traditional Mongolian instruments and harmonic overtone vocal techniques
- Dr Byambajav Dalaibuyan, University of Queensland
Mining and the environment: drivers of local level conflicts and cooperation in Mongolia
- Discussant: Professor Li Narangoa (ANU)
12.30pm Buffet lunch with music and dance performance
- Musicians: Bardavaa Chinbat and Maralmaa Davaadorj
- Dance: Maralgoo Chinguunjav
2.00pm Panel 2
- Dr Undargaa Sandagsuren, Visiting Fellow, Australian National University
Pastoral governance and climate extremes
- Professor Battogtokh Javzandolgor, National University of Mongolia
International legal regulations for environmental protection of Mongolia
- Dr Ariunaa Shajinbat and Khongorzul Boldbaatar, Institute of Education and Training, Mongolia
Shifts in the philosophy of Mongolian education and it’s alignment with transformative education principles
- Discussant: Associate Professor Qimuge (Inner Mongolia University)
3.30pm Afternoon tea
4.00pm Panel 3
- Dr Namuun Ganbat, Photon Energy Group, Sydney
Contaminants of emerging concern: the environmental legacy of PFAS and insights into contamination, persistence and remediation
- Mr Naranbadrakh Batkhuu, Coordinator, Horse Heaven NGO, Ulaanbaatar
Mongolia's culture of peace in connection with the horse
Documentary: 360° Reportage. Mongelei: De Pferderreter (2024, 30 mins)
- Discussant: Dr Uchralt Otede (ANU)
The Update is organised by the ANU Mongolia Institute, the only dedicated hub for Mongolian studies in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Mongolia Update is hosted by the College of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University, supported by the Embassy of Mongolia and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra.