ANUBhasha, playing on the Sanskrit word for ‘conversation’, is a collective of scholars of premodern South Asia, working at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, Australia. This group works to promote the usage of digital tools to engage scholarly and cultural communities in the study and use of manuscripts and literature. Currently, this includes several long-term projects focusing on different linguistic and cultural communities of the South Asian past. Although divergent in time and methods, these projects all consider how the study of South Asian texts, literature, and culture can be enhanced by combining community input and engagement; academic study and rigour; and digital frameworks and technology.

Traditional China Forum
This new online hub brings together activities related to the study of traditional China at the Australian National University (ANU).
Language and non-language courses bring you closer to the worlds of traditional China.
Research projects and collaborative initiatives enhance understanding of traditional China.
A range of on-going activities on campus and on-line support study of traditional China.
Stay connected with our members and their intellectual interests.

The Canberra Pollen Project
In 2007, the Canberra Pollen Count and Forecast Program (CPCFP) was established at ANU by a team of pollen experts (palynologists) to develop and make accessible a long-term record of airborne pollen in the city; enhancing the understanding of what, when and where pollen-related allergies occurred; and recommend strategies to reduce the impact of hay fever on the community. Over the last 15 years the CPCFP has collaborated to establish an Australia-wide aerobiology network (NHMRC funded) and co-developed citizen science tools to deliver information to the public.
Here is our one-stop shop resource on pollen and hay fever for the Canberra community.

Engaged ANU Project: Kuwae - the Volcanic Eruption that Launched the Modern World
The Engaged ANU Pilot Project supports academics to communicate their research to the people and communities where it matters – in an imaginative, creative and engaging way. The Pilot is sponsored by the Vice-Chancellor and sets out to maximise the visibility and reach of the research we do here at ANU. The pilot received over 60 submissions showcasing the incredible and brilliant projects around campus, and among the few final selections is Kuwae - the Volcanic Eruption that Launched the Modern World, led by CHL's Associate Professor Chris Ballard.
We look forward to tracking the journey of this pilot project in the coming months!
Indigenous Engagement and Heritage Initiative

Indigenous Engagement and Heritage Initiative
As Australia's only national university, ANU is uniquely placed to engage with and inform Government regarding heritage significance and the nomination of significant places for National heritage listing. Academics in the College of Asia and the Pacific and the College of Arts and Social Sciences have been instrumental in writing about the heritage values of Indigenous places and in nominating sites for heritage listing. However, they have had little direct engagement with Government. We propose to remediate this situation through this initiative, which will bring together First Nation Elders from around Australia (including Torres Strait), academics and Government.