The ANU, in association with the Japan Foundation, will once again host the annual ACT Japanese Language Speech Contest.

The ANU, in association with the Japan Foundation, will once again host the annual ACT Japanese Language Speech Contest. Now in its 53rd year, this contest aims to encourage Senior Secondary & Tertiary Japanese language learners to showcase their language skills in a challenging context.

The contest will be held on 19 August (Saturday) from 10:00am (specific division times will be finalised after registrations close).

The contest this year will be held virtually via Zoom, as it was last year. Both contestants and guests will receive a protected Zoom link upon registering via Eventbrite.

Participants must register here by 11:59 pm 12 August. Participants will need to provide the Japanese and English titles for their speeches at the time of registration.

High School Senior Division: 2.5–3 minutes

Open Division: 4.5–5 minutes

The subject, content and form of the speeches are left open to each contestant. Entrants who have competed in previous contests may not use the same speech (this includes title and content) presented in previous years.

See here for contest guidelines.

First prize winners in both divisions will progress to the National Finals in October via video entries. Exact dates will be shared at a later stage, with the winner being announced on 13 October.

For more information, visit the Japan Foundation website.





Online Only via Zoom



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