You are invited to CHL PhD Candidate Christina Sanderson's Completion Seminar:

Time: 6pm–7:30pm
Date: Friday, 23 February 2024
Speaker: Christina Sanderson, CHL PhD Candidate

Venue: Online only, via Zoom
Meeting ID: 810 5809 1532
Passcode: 616865 

Wanyan Linqing 完顔麟慶 (1791-1846) was a Manchu Bannerman who travelled throughout China as an official in service of the Qing Court. In his later years he acquired and moved into a renowned garden-mansion in Peking, where he composed an autobiographical memoir in classical Chinese, Hongxue yinyuan tuji 鴻雪因緣圖集 (Wild Goose Tracks in the Snow: An Illustrated Record of my Preordained Life), recording, in 240 chapters each accompanied by a woodblock illustration, as many moments of his life deemed to have been the most memorable. During the 1980s, the first 170 chapters of this memoir were translated and annotated in Hong Kong by Mongol Bannerman Professor Yang Tsung-han 楊宗翰 (1901-1992).

Under the guidance of Professor John Minford, Christina Sanderson has recently compiled the first complete translation and annotation of this work, by editing Yang’s existing translation and commentary and translating and annotating the final 70 chapters. In her Completion Seminar, Christina will reflect on the memoir, and on the process of its translation. She will summarise her main argument, that Tracks in the Snow is a remarkable window into the world of traditional China, by presenting several different ways of reading the memoir, including from a biographical and historical perspective, and in the context of literature. The final 30 minutes will be reserved for open discussion.





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