Dr Richard Gillespie

Dr Richard Gillespie

BSc (Hons 2A), PhD (Sydney University)
Honorary Associate Professor

BSc (Hons2A) 1969 and PhD 1976 in Physical Chemistry at Sydney University, built a liquid scintillation Radiocarbon laboratory as a PhD student.

Post-doc/Senior Chemist at Oxford University building graphite synthesis system for AMS radiocarbon

Other appointments at University of Arizona, Tucson, and ANU (Biogeography & Geomorphology) performing physical and chemical pre-treatments on samples for AMS radiocarbon dating

Dr Gillespie is currently an Honorary Associate Professor at the Archaeology and Natural History department within the ANU School of Culture, History & Language.

Research Interest

Arrival of modern humans in previously uninhabited lands, and their impacts on the resident megafauna. Development of novel pretreatment chemistry protocols for radiocarbon dating.